A common problem: you have a special occasion coming up and want to rent a designer dress, but you can't choose between two equally fabulous dresses online or you're simply unsure which one is going to fit best? Well, problem solved!Introducing: our streamlined Try On serviceWe've worked to make our very popular Try On service a more automated and simple part of your online shopping experience. So if your event is at least three weeks away GlamCorner offers for you to have an obligation-free Try On of up to two dresses for 24 hours in the convenience of your own home - all for just $30!Simply select the first dress that you would like to Try On and add it to your Bag by selecting the 'Advance Try On' option on the dress product page (note that due to popularity, there are some dresses that are not available for Try On). Once you've added your 1st Try On dress to your bag, you'll be offered to 'Add your 2nd dress to Try On'. Click this link and you'll be taken back to our Dresses catalogue to select your 2nd Try On dress. You can then add this dress to your bag in the same way as the 1st and the total amount owing will be just $30! Here's a quick demo to see how it works:

Please note that we are unable to hold dresses for your actual event date until a rental booking order is placed. So make sure you jump online to book your favourite dress for your event date as soon as you're happy with the size and fit of the dresses you tried on!We hope our streamlined Try On service will help you find the perfect look for your next event and help to resolve any concerns you might have around size and fit. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to visit our Try On FAQ's, comment below or email us at hello@glamcorner.com.au. We are always listening.